Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Closing down

It has been some time since I posted in this space So, for a number of reasons, I have decided to close down this particular blog.  I did intend to use it to participate in various photo memes and carnivals, but I just haven't been able to make the time.  Taking the photo is not the problem - I am never without the camera.  I just found I was using up all my computer time visiting the other participants - an important part of any meme, and i felt I was not giving this the attention is deserved..  I have to say that I have encountered so many lovely people and inspiring blogs through the lens and keyboard  - thank you all for your support and encouragement.
I am very busy right now with - oh - so many things.  I can still be found blogging on family, life and our new croft at:
You are very welcome to join me there.