We had a wonderful walk through a local country park today. A perfect Autumn afternoon, just made for meandering about the woods. Still plenty of green leafy canopy above, but a few weeks will see a change to warmer hues.

James stops to play among the trees

Interesting bark.

I loved this abundantly berried bush, although I'm not sure what it is - I will look it up tomorrow.

River Almond - upstream

Downstream - on it's way to join the River Forth at Cramond.

Some Autumn colour creeping in.

Last boys in the wood?

James making a haystack with recently
mown grass.

It's always a good idea to bring your diggers and dumpers along on a walk - you just never know when you might need them.

Excuse me Dad, but there is a bee sitting beside you!

A tired boy needs a carry home from his Dad.
I loved your family outing post today. The little fellow is adorable. Your Sky Watch picture is very interesting.
Great pictures Jacqui :) xx
Lovely, lovely photos Jacqui xx
What a beautiful October walk. :)
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