Monday, April 20, 2009

Book Sharing Monday

Today I am participating in Book Sharing Monday– click the picture link on the sidebar to find out more. This is a fantastic idea for sharing thoughts about the books that our children enjoy, and the ones we like reading to them. I have always adored reading to my children, and I am lucky to have been able to indulge myself for a few years now – this is the perfect excuse to share this love with other like -minded folk.

We spent the whole of yesterday in the garden – the weather was absolutely glorious and lots of seeds were planted – including some sunflower seeds – thanks Claire!. What better book to start off with then but Ten Seeds, by Ruth Brown. I also noticed on the VWcamper van calendar in our kitchen, that Wednesday is Earth Day, so an appropriate choice to mark the miracle of life on this planet.

This is a simple picture book with not a lot of text, but it tells the story of 10 seeds being planted – their progress and the dangers they face, the harvest and the beginning of the cycle again.

Ten Seeds, one Ant!

The story counts down, with each seed meeting a different destiny until the final page when the boy harvests the seeds.

Ten Seeds!

James loves this book – he points to the boy and says “Me!” and enjoys spotting all the various predators, worms and bugs. We talk about what we have seen in our own garden and greenhouse -today he noticed a seed capsule still attached to one of our pumpkin plants!

I hope you enjoyed reading about our choice – looking forward to seeing yours!`


nocton4 said...

oh goodness, another book to add to my I want it list .. looks fab.
Thanks for sharing xxx

nocton4 said...

Thanks for your lovely blog comments.
Please pm me your address as I'm sure we can sort you out a copy of Bear Hunt.
All love and care

l said...

great post! thanks for sharing!

sunnymama said...

This looks a wonderful book! I love the illustrations :)

Carol ッ said...

Very cute!!

sue said...

oohh we got so excited when we saw it was this wonderful of our much loved books :)

sue xx