Monday, July 20, 2009

Book Sharing Monday (xiii)

This week we have chosen an old book that my mother used in her nursery class back in the 1970s. It has since been enjoyed by all 8 children in the family. It is The cow who fell into the canal by Phyllis Krasilovsky. This is a very funny book about Hendrika, a dairy cow, who lives on a farm in Holland. All she does is eat and give white creamy milk to the farmer Mr Hofstra to make fine cheeses with. Hendrika is unhappy, however, because she is fed up with seeing the same things every day, and wonders what the city is like. One day she falls into the canal. She is so fat she cannot climb out, but she eventually manages to clamber into a little raft. The raft takes her on a wonderful journey down the canal towards the city.

Now Hendrika wasn't too sleepy to open her eyes.
There was so much to see on both sides of the canal!

She has a great time on her travels, and causes quite a stir when she goes exploring the town. Fortunately she meets Mr Hofstra, who is selling the cheeses, and he helps her to get back home, where she resumes her grass eating. She is much happier now that she has new things to think about.
Broaden your horizons at Alex's blog on Book Sharing Monday.

1 comment:

sunnymama said...

Looks like a sweet book :)